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Sports Car

Mobile Detailing Monthly Membership Plans

Find one that works best for your busy shcedule

  • In & Out Maintenance - (Coupe/Sedan)

    Кожен 1 місяць
    +39,99 USD Membership Fee
    This included everything that is listed on our In & Out detail package for a membership price. Spray wax applied for $15, as well a charge for milage 60 cent per mile.
    Дійсний протягом 6 міс.
  • Diamond Member - (Coupe/Sedan)

    Кожні 3 місяці
    +39,99 USD Membership Fee
    This is a monthly subscription-based plan to help keep your vehicle in its best condition all year!
    Дійсний протягом 12 міс.
  • In & Out Maintenance - (Mid Size)

    Кожен 1 місяць
    +39,99 USD Membership fee
    This included everything that is listed on our In & Out detail package for a membership price.
    Дійсний протягом 6 міс.
  • Diamond Member - (Mid Size Vehicle)

    Кожні 3 місяці
    +39,99 USD Membership Fee
    This is a monthly subscription-based plan to help keep your vehicle in its best condition all year!
    Дійсний протягом 12 міс.
  • In & Out Maintenance - (Full Size)

    Кожен 1 місяць
    +39,99 USD Membership fee
    This included everything that is listed on our In & Out detail package for a membership price. Spray wax applied for $15, as well a charge for milage .60 cent per mile.
    Дійсний протягом 6 міс.
  • Diamond Member - Full Size Vehicle

    Кожні 3 місяці
    +39,99 USD Membership fee
    This is a monthly subscription-based plan to help keep your vehicle in its best condition all year!
    Дійсний протягом 12 міс.
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